Michigan Lottery Launches Newest Cashword Lottery Game


Scratch off your “YOUR LETTERS” box to reveal 18 letters. Match those letters to crossword puzzles to form words. Complete three or more words horizontally or vertically across any row to win one prize from

What is the Powerball Lottery Game?


The Powerball lottery game is a multi-state game with jackpots beginning at $20 Million, drawing every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday with no winner emerging until all six winning numbers have been selected in one drawing

What is the Red Ball Game With the Ohio Lottery?


Ohio Lottery also provides players with a mobile app for iOS and Android phones to purchase and participate in its lotteries, without waiting in line at participating retailers. You can scan tickets using smartphone cameras

What Lottery Game Plays Today?


To maximize your lottery experience, it is key to select a game that fits into your lifestyle. From playing daily to occasionally, there is sure to be something suitable. New York provides players with plenty

What Lottery Game Plays Tonight in New York State?


New York Lotto winners must claim their prize within one year from the drawing, along with providing valid identification documents such as social security number and identification card. You have the option of either having

Michigan Lottery Game Pays Weekly Big Prizes


While large prizes remain out of reach for players to claim in the interim, smaller ones remain available and just last week one 50-year-old won a $1.1 million prize from Michigan Lottery’s 500X Money Maker

What Michigan Online Lottery Game Has the Best Odds?


Noteworthy is the Michigan Lottery’s repeat winners, accounting for 81% of winning combinations in five games or less since their previous appearance. This should serve as a reminder that you should always include some longer

Are Crypto Currencies in Trouble?


Policymakers in the US have started to regulate this emerging industry and may soon make decisions regarding which cryptocurrencies to classify as securities by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). Such treatment would likely have major

How to Short Crypto Currencies


To do this, first locate a platform offering margin trading and register. Next, make deposits into your account until it can cover any cryptocurrency you want to borrow – this may take time so be